ven though you're exhausted by diets and exercise? What is it that you are doing wrong?
You are careful about nutrition, you take enough vitamins, lead a healthy life with hours of exercise. But, still, you don't have the body you've always wished for.
Just to feel better - you are not alone. In fact, this problem is quite often. Even though we often blame the genetics and we doubt that the celebrities have secrets about their perfect look, maybe better we should analyze the reasons that cause this phenomenon.
1. You exercise the wrong way
The meaning of the basics - Exercises are supposed to be fun, but if you want to get rid of the fat, you go to the gym. It seems like all of the gym equipment is for men, but it is not true. Some exercise should be kept in the plan no matter how dull they are, like standups and weights exercise.
Cut down the cardio-Most woman think that with cardio exercise they can burn down more calories. That is true. But, they forget that they also take less food. You need weight exercise to burn down the fat.
Dedicate to exercise-On joint train sessions you create friendships, which is great. The bad thing is talking to your friends instead of performing the proper exercises.
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